2000.00 Indian Rupee ₹ · Original Cats Eye Stone

Published date: July 11, 2023 4:51 pm

Location: 26-33, 7th Street, Tatabad, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641012, Tatabad, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

Cat’s Eye
Are you curious to know the mesmerizing beauty of the Cat’s Eye Gemstone Shop? Nearby by location ?
Yes !! You have Famous Jewelry Store in Coimbatore - Panchrathna GemStone.
Cat’s Eye Gemstone colour is beautiful and everlasting. It is a semi – precious gemstone. This Gemstone holds significance on the plant Ketu. It is highly recommended to enhance social awareness, gain financial profits, improve bone health, and surround the wearer with positivity.
Cat’s Eye Gemstone Benefits:
❖ Cat's eye gemstones are believed to have strong protective properties.
❖ This gemstone is thought to assist in developing a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around them.
❖ In many cultures, cat's eye gemstones are lucky charms that bring good fortune and prosperity. It is believed that wearing or keeping a cat's eye gemstone can attract abundance, wealth, and success into one's life.
❖ They are believed to have the power to balance the subtle energy center in the body known as chakras.
❖ Cat's eye gemstones are said to have the ability to remove obstacles and overcome difficulties in life.
Do you want to know the Good Quality and Natural Cat’s Eye loose stone price? Click the link http://panchrathnagems.com/appointment and Purchase cat’s eye stones online or offline.

For more information Contact : 9894566555 , 9842266555
Visit Best quality gemstone shop in Coimbatore - Address: 7th Street, Tatabad, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641012

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