0.48 Dollar US $ · Clear Vinyl Stickers | Palace Skateboards Custom Stickers | Customsticker.com ™

Published date: May 20, 2020 11:48 am

Location: 20829 Valley Blvd, walnut, California, USA

Palace is a British brand and an integral part of London's skateboarding culture. When PALACE was born, founder Lev Tanju made it a rule to have a large logo. Over the years, the PALACE has conquered the street world and even extended its influence into fashion, thanks to its highly recognizable Logo.

Our Palace Skateboards Custom Stickers is the Palace brand logo, the logo design with the Penrose triangle and on three sides, there is a Palace. It's a very unique and very creative brand logo, this sticker we designed is a clear sticker, and you can apply it anywhere. We can offer Custom Clear Stickers for all brands, and the quality of logo stickers we design for customers is consistent with Palace Skateboards Custom Stickers.

Customsticker.com is the best company for customers to choose to buy customized stickers. Our customized stickers can be used for more than three years. If you want to buy our stickers, please email us at info@GS-JJ.com.

Size: 3.5”

Style: clear stickers

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