20000.00 Indian Rupee ₹ · Load Flow Study

Published date: September 8, 2022 10:39 am

Location: 65/2A, Gokulam Flats, Sakthi Nagar New St, Sakthi Nagar, Porur, Chennai-600116, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Load flow study is the quintessential study as it aids in proper planning, design, and operation of generation, transmission, and distribution networks. The results of the study provide detailed insight into the steady-state performance under different operating conditions. Load flow is the basis for several other types of studies such as short-circuit, stability, motor starting, harmonic, and protection studies as it brings out the initial steady-state behavior of the system.
Results of the study will be of great help in identifying the suitable operating conditions and in identifying the abnormalities such as equipment overloading, excessive voltage drop, poor power factor, and power loss conditions. Most importantly the analysis assists in the proper selection of continuous rating of equipment and in spotting the need for voltage regulation devices and power factor correction devices.
This study can be carried out using ETAP, DIg SILENT Power Factory, and PSS/E.
1. Obtain the voltage magnitudes and angle, real reactive power value, current, power losses, voltage drop, power factor, etc.
2. To identify the loading of equipment under various operating scenarios. (Example: Minimum and maximum load variation, grid voltage variation, tie-breaker closed, transformer, transmission line, and generator outage conditions)
3. To identify the need for voltage regulating devices, power factor correction devices,
4. To properly select taps for transformer and voltage set points for generator and inverter.

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