Free · Effects of Plant-Based Diets on Human Performance

Published date: September 15, 2021 1:22 am

Location: Plainview, NY 11803, United States, Plainview, Plainview, New York, United States

A plant-based diet focuses on whole, unprocessed or minimally processed plants. Fruits, whole grains, vegetables, legumes and tubes dominate the plant-based diet while encouraging the reduction or complete removal of meats, dairy products and eggs. Other foods it excludes or minimizes include oils, unhealthy fats, refined sugars and bleached flour.

When looking at the effects of a plant-based diet on performance, experts often use athletes for their case studies. There are several studies seeking to understand the effects of a plant-based diet on performance, especially on athletes switching from an omnivorous diet (eats both plant and animal products, including meat).

Athletes and bodybuilding icons such as Patrik Baboumian (Germany’s strongest man), Scott Jurek, Brendan Brazier, Rich Roll and Mac Danzig prove that one can achieve superior athletic and physical performance on a plant-based diet.

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